
Hamish & Jess

Meet Hamish and Jess.
They purchased their first house last year and wanted to leverage off capital growth to purchase their first investment property.
They needed guidance in regard to options available and the best way to structure in regard to their goals – a little like being prescribed the right medication to achieve the desired result.
More importantly, Jess and Ham stuck to their goals (dose) in regard to purchase price and loan term and interest rates which linked directly with how they structured their own home loan.
The morel of story is stick with the formula and you will get the results you desire.
Congratulations and thanks for the opportunity to assist you both.

About us

dm consult mortgages + insurance was established off the back of “doing the right thing” by the clients. We help you by establishing what your financial situation is, what you require, and how we can help you achieve this. Based on our findings, we act on your behalf to approach lenders to attain your goal of property ownership (mortgage), business finance, refinancing from your current bank, refixing your mortgage, top ups to your current lending for smaller loans...


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