
Chris & Rochelle

Meet Chris and Rochelle.
They are a busy couple – Chris as a self-employed Mechanic, and Rochelle as a Truck Driver hauling logs around the countryside.
Their brief was that they required assistance with the second chance process for Housing New Zealand’s Homestart Grant and drawing their Kiwisaver funds out to purchase a house together, plus finance required to complete the transaction. dm consult organised the required approvals via Housing NZ, and arranged finance. Even though their bank said NO, dm consult found a supportive bank to finance their purchase.
It takes skill to run a small business and to be a Mechanic, as it is skilful to drive large logging trucks. Chris and Rochelle are skilful in their respective roles, however when it comes to finance they don’t have the time or skills to obtain the finance, hence they called Darrin at dm consult.
Conversely would you ask Darrin to drive Rochelle’s logging truck? or get under the hood of one of Chris’s client’s cars to replace a cam belt? The answer is – hell NO! 😀 However, you would ask Darrin to look as the options when it comes to finance.
Congratulations on the purchase of your first house together Chris and Rochelle.

About us

dm consult mortgages + insurance was established off the back of “doing the right thing” by the clients. We help you by establishing what your financial situation is, what you require, and how we can help you achieve this. Based on our findings, we act on your behalf to approach lenders to attain your goal of property ownership (mortgage), business finance, refinancing from your current bank, refixing your mortgage, top ups to your current lending for smaller loans...


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