
We’re here for you over the holiday period

Well it’s getting to that time of the year when everyone is rushing around Christmas shopping, looking for that new house to move into in 2015, looking for the next best Bank deal to refinance too, top up their housing loan for renovations or looking at re-fixing the current loan with their incumbent banker. If Read more…

What should I do next?

With the OCR increasing last week and the quick reaction of the Banks to follow suit, consumers are wondering what their next move may be in regards to their existing mortgage structure or new home buyers looking for the best deal. Over recent times the floating interest rate has been popular and it was the Read more…

Darrin McCormack is back in business

After having a break from the finance industry for the past three years I am back and this time trading under my own brand and name. During my time as a broker for a franchise my customers kept telling me that it was my service  that was the reason they keep coming back not the brand. I am Read more…

About us

dm consult mortgages + insurance was established off the back of “doing the right thing” by the clients. We help you by establishing what your financial situation is, what you require, and how we can help you achieve this. Based on our findings, we act on your behalf to approach lenders to attain your goal of property ownership (mortgage), business finance, refinancing from your current bank, refixing your mortgage, top ups to your current lending for smaller loans...


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