Happy New Year!
A Happy New Year to all our clients!
A Happy New Year to all our clients!
From the team at dm consult, we wish all our past, present and future clients a very Merry Christmas!
Twas 12 days before Christmas and Don and Danielle were in a bit of a flap! They had an unconditional offer on their house but had nowhere to go… They had a few property options on their Christmas list but had no confirmation from any of Santa’s real estate elves, if the vendors would be Read more…
Meet Bailey, a first-time homeowner: Bailey’s employer Matt referred him to Darrin to seek assistance in becoming a first-time homeowner, by buying property off his landlord. Darrin listened to what Bailey wanted to achieve then advised him, based on his financial position, the best way to achieve the objective. The advice was to have a Read more…
Meet Tim Recently Tim was recommended to Emma for mortgage assistance, by one of her clients. Tim worked with Emma to secure the best finance option to meet his circumstances. Tim grabbed the opportunity to purchase a home out of town and wanted assistance with his mortgage from someone in the Hawke’s Bay. Tim’s humour Read more…
Congratulations!!! dm consult mortgages + insurance is now accredited to offer Kiwibank consumer loan products!
We’re Hiring!! dmconsult is looking for motivated, experienced mortgage advisers to join our established exclusive team. Preferably with L5 certification. We are fully licensed team, with strong compliance in place. This is a Contractor position. Please email admin@dmconsult.co.nz for more information.
New Mortgage, New Home! Meet Maika and Paua, They contacted Darrin at dm consult to ascertain whether they could borrow funds to purchase a property with a 20% deposit, and be eligible for a new mortgage. They had taken direction from Rosie, a relative in Auckland, to position themselves to apply for finance to purchase Read more…
dm consult mortgages + insurance was established off the back of “doing the right thing” by the clients. We help you by establishing what your financial situation is, what you require, and how we can help you achieve this. Based on our findings, we act on your behalf to approach lenders to attain your goal of property ownership (mortgage), business finance, refinancing from your current bank, refixing your mortgage, top ups to your current lending for smaller loans...
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